Ain't no hood like...Motherhood!
"Motherhood is the greatest thing, and the hardest thing", do you agree?
In response, some mommies shared with us what motherhood means to them, and a snippet of their heartwarming motherhood stories.
Mummy Denis @mrskhooandfam, mother of 3
My kids showed me how to live life. How as a human I am lacking in so many aspects and how I was also once a baby who needed help.
Humility is the first lesson I learnt as a mom. The second valuable lesson I learnt was knowing when to ask for help and that it's okay that I don't have it altogether.
So as I grow and learn in this journey three years and counting, I taught my children to learn to ask for help and to recognize how they can contribute regardless of their age. Things like saying thank you (even if it means using sign language), disposal of their own diapers as soon as they learn how to walk or even just helping to pass the wet wipes...
Motherhood has taught me that everyday is a learning journey! ❤
Mummy Kimberly @missywinter, mother of 1
Motherhood is a journey that is tough and yet full of surprises.
For me motherhood is not about me teaching my daughter, but also me learning from her; she teaches me how to love, be patient and more. We are a team hand in hand and constantly learning from one and other.
Having been raised in a single parent family, I did not understand nor appreciate motherly love as my biological mother left me when I was little. I have vague or no memories of what a mother is like. I've not celebrated any events or occasions such as a Mother’s Day, until I've had my daughter, that is!
Even though I had not experienced motherly love like most others, I was glad to be able to learn and in turn shower it unto my daughter.
Motherhood is not easy journey, but I promise to be there for my daughter as long as I can and am able!
Mummy Kelly @happykellymom, mother of 3
As a stay home mom, I am a multi-tasker. I am not only a mommy, I am also a chef, housekeeper, teacher, and playmate, amongst an endless list!
Recently my sons added some new titles to me. They call me their “mommy police force” 👮🏼
Whenever anyone of them gets disturbed or bullied by another, my "official royal duty" will be activated. Mommy police force would have to play "catch thief" and "interrogate" the "suspect" in question!
Another new title they granted me is their “librarian mommy”. This title was actually given by my youngest son. He loves to listen to a good story, and will request me to read him a story every day. I self-created many adventure stories on my own to tell him. I try to give every story I tell him a good moral or two, and he enjoys listening to all of my made up adventure stories. How fulfilling is that! ☺️
Indeed, being a mother is learning about strengths we didn't know we had, and dealing with fears we never knew existed. Just like the amazing ability to hear a cough through closed doors in the middle of the night, three bedrooms away...
What does Motherhood mean to you?
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Enjoy Evorie Moment!