Baby Teething Woes...Experienced Mummies Share Their Tips!
Baby Teething Woes...
Experienced Mummies Share Their Tips!
There is a large variability when a first tooth may appear - while some babies may not even have any teeth by their first birthday, some others may have a toothy grin much earlier. Typically, most children will have all of their baby teeth by the age of 3. But teething may also bring along certain discomfort, from swollen and tender gums, to excessive drooling. Three mummies share with us how they are dealing or have dealt with such teething discomfort experienced by their little ones.
Mummy Felicia, @feliseet , mother of 2
Frozen breastmilk helps to relieve my little one’s swollen gums and bring down raised body temperature whenever she shows signs of teething.
When she’s teething, she salivates profusely and will try to bite everything in sight!
Naps and sleep at night will be disrupted and she doesn’t feed as much as well.
Once she turned 6 months and was cleared by the doctor to take solids, I started freezing greek yoghurt and various fruits like blueberries and apple etc and gave them to her in a food masher (which looks like a big pacifier with holes).
It seemed to help her relieve her pain and soreness and the plus point is that it has added nutritional value too!
She loved it!
Mummy Ezane, @ezanetan, mother of 2

For parents, I would suggest not to stress, because the child will feel stressed too. Be happy and smile at the little one despite their whining. Not easy but remind yourself this is just the start to everything parenting can bring you.
We watch out for white sights at her gums. Or redness & swelling. Not all baby fuss when teething. My elder girl was really easy while my younger girl fusses big time. She was around 11 months old when she was teething and had soft & watery stools. This causes diaper rashes & she couldn't pee & poop without crying, she cringed as she was being cleaned up. Mummy needs a super strong heart to take this.
We observe her fussing during sleep whenever her teething cycle starts again. Cooling gel for teething don't work for her. What works most for her was a type of TCM popular in the TCM Singapore industry that is used for rubbing against the baby's gums. As it is cooling, she usually feel so relieved and relaxed that she goes to sleep after that. Initially, we don't know why she got upset and fussed but now when that happen, I will check her gums and then apply the TCM after that.
One other symptom is hard stools that may be signs of teething. Different child, will have different symptoms. As a mum, stay calm & relax. If really cannot & gets very worried, my suggestion to all my mummy friends is to go to their trusted PD. That always gives me a peace of mind.
Mummy Lynn, @esiotrot84, mother of 1
The best thing I did was to join a mummy group. Cayden was the youngest baby in my mummy’s group so I heard first hand some of the woes other mummies experience when their babies start to teeth.
If a mummy group is not accessible, sign up for a newsletter that can also give you heads up on when you can expect your baby to teeth. That will prepare you mentally and also inform you some of the things you can have on hand to ease the discomfort experienced by your baby.
Prepare different kinds of teethers. Not all children like teethers. Furthermore, teethers come in so many shapes and sizes, it would be good to have different types on hand so that you can let your baby try them out, decide on a favourite that provides him the most comfort. It is also important to make sure that the teethers bought do not contain any harmful materials as they will be put to the mouth. Having more than one is also great for rotation and replacement. as babies tend to drop them or get bored of the same one. I also bought one that contains filtered water so that we can chill it before giving it to Cayden as the coldness soothes his sore gums.
I also noticed that he drooled a lot more and developed some rash around his cheeks, neck and chin so I also bought a facial cream for him to protect the skin around these areas and reduce and prevent rashes. Wearing a bib for him was also one way of keeping these areas dry.
He might also be sticking his fingers into his mouth more often than usual so make sure his hands are clean by having a baby-friendly sanitiser on hand is also great.
I hope these tips can help you and your baby rough out these teething woes and help your baby turn from grouchy and grumpy to grinning from cheek to cheek.
Regardless when your baby's first tooth sprouts, experts recommend that your baby's first dental appointment be made after the eruption of the first tooth and by his or her first birthday. It is also important to establish proper oral hygiene from young.
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